
The City of Hamburg, represented by the Ministry of Science, Research and Equalities, provides large amounts of funding for refurbishment and modernisation residential accommidation of non-profit organisations. The Carl-Malsch-Stiftung e.V. was supported with 75% of the total costs for the following projects:

Modernisation of sanitary facilities

Carl-Malsch Residential Accommidation and Building 495 Überseekolleg

Renewal of the roof

Building 499 Überseekolleg

Refurbishment of the storefront

Carl-Malsch Residential Accommidation

Without the support we would have been able to carry out these measures with great delay or not at all.
You can help the Carl-Malsch-Stiftung e.V.  to achieve its goal in contributing towards international understanding with a donation:

Evangelische Bank eG
IBAN DE87210602370000067814